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Touch Screens are Everywhere,

So are the virus & germs on them.

So are Covid19 virus and super bacterial.

Covid19 global pandamic plus antibiotic resistance bacteria are the new normal.  With concerns over the increasing spread of Covid19 and super bacteria like MRSA, Mocare antiviral and anitbacterial solution offers a full range of technologies and products that mitigate the risk of cross contamination in healthcare settings, communal environments, and households.

This means potential exposure to

health regulatory issues

You probably are aware of this problem if you are here...
Here's how MoCare antibacterial solution comes in to help

But what are pathogens?

Scientific reports have shown Covid19 virus can be spread by touching on surfaces. A pathogenic virus are organism that causes disease upon

entering the body and can be contagious.

Once the pathogenic virus  sets itself up in a host’s body, it uses the body’s resources  to replicate before exiting and spreading to a new host.

In today’s digital age, everyday touchscreens, are among the main channel

for the transmission of a pathogenic virus by an infected person.

Sanitizing our hands, avoid unnecessary touching of our face and wearing mask the new normal.


86% of clinicians use smartphone at work and...

30% of this bacteria transfer from the finger tips

to the next thing they touch?

4 Areas We Specialise In





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